Thursday, July 30, 2009

Learn Spanish Software Fluenz

Fluenz teaches Spanish somewhat differently than other programs. It uses a video of a tutor to teach lesson. It relies on memory retention by requiring you to complete a series of increasingly complex activities which culminate in creating a complete conversation.

Unlike other programs which treat the user like a child, it focuses teaching the student useful vocabulary (related to restaurants, transportation, directions, etc.), as well as, more complex expressions and commands. It also explains how Spanish works in terms of cultural issues, providing context and anecdotes that make the process meaningful. By making sense of the language, learners actually learn.

It comes in two levels. Both levels include with two audio CDs: one recorded by Edgar Ramirez, one of Hollywood's emerging Latino actors, and the other by Ivan Loscher, one of the most recognizable voices in Spanish through his work with HBO Latin America. Edgar starred opposite Keira Knightley in Domino, played the fearsome "asset" in The Bourne Ultimatum, and has worked alongside William Hurt, Forest Whitaker, and Benicio del Toro.

Both levels also include exclusive downloadable podcasts to supplement the training included in the audio CD's

Learn Spanish Software Rosetta Stone

Rosetta Stone, teaches you Spanish by image and word association. You simply learn through associating Spanish words you don't know with pictures of things you do know. For instance, you might not know that "El cabillo corre" means "The horse is running." but you will figure it out by hearing the phrase and seeing a picture of a running horse. You don't hear a single word of English.

The software also also teaches you speak through a speech recognition system. You simply speak into the microphone and the software "shows" you whether or not your pronunciation is correct. It is the most interactive system on the market. It works on both Macintosh and Windows operating systems. You can also purchase 6 or 12 month subscriptions and use the program online. It is fun and very easy to use, and is great for teaching children because it feels more like playing a game than studying a language.

All of this technology comes at a price. Its Level 1 costs as much as other companies entire courses, however you can save money by purchasing Levels 1-3, or all five levels at the same time. It also comes with a six month money back guarantee.

Learn Spanish Using Computer Software

Can you learn Spanish using computer software? Absolutely. I believe that it is the fastest, most convenient and efficient way to learn Spanish. NASA, The State Department, and the United States Military all use software to help their people learn Spanish before being stationed abroad.
No single product is right for everyone. Here is some information to help you pick the right software to help you learn Spanish.

People learn in several ways, and you should consider your learning style when choosing Spanish software. Do you prefer to learn by listening, seeing, or by using the material? If you are a visual learner, an audio only program probably isn't for you. On the other hand, if you learn by listening, you can get great results with an audio only program.

Another important consideration is price. There are excellent programs in every price range from Free to those costing several hundred dollars.

Finally, how much time do you have to devote to learning Spanish with computer software. Can you devote one or more hours per day, or will you need to learn sporadically. Some programs take only minutes per day, while others require a larger time commitment.

I've looked at several different Spanish software learning programs and listed their features.
I hope you find this helpful.